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Today, the production is from large quantities to the lean mode, the enterprises division is increasingly, market environment is undulate, the cost is raising ... the problem is so much in the development of enterprises. Many authoritative research institutions showed that the most important question which troubled high-level and directors is: there are no highly effective middle managers to implement the corporate strategy. In actual business, the development of enterprises can not cross the status of the staff and team; while it is directly dependent on the overall capacity and quality of managers, they need a good manager team. So, how to improve enterprise management level? This is an unavoidable problem.
To really help enterprises provide management level, BESTWAY Knowledge Management Center in the process to create a leadership training system, draw a large number of theory and case of Western management science, psychology, human resource management, integration of our consultants team in the exploration, practice of well-known enterprises, summed up a large number of skill training methods in the training process ... these have become the cornerstone of BESTWAY management leadership power system (LMS) model. With the words ¡°The stone of hills can attack jade¡±, in this system, it integrated multi-wisdom.

We not only attach importance to training, but we also know that several sessions of training courses will not be able to change a person, instantly enhance his leadership. The leadership development is an integrated process, we need though the project training, process guidance and actual practice to upgrade the level of the management team, in this process, we believe that the enterprise can be a progressive influence and change students, better achieve the performance and have a qualitative leap in management capacity. In China it need to upgrade the level of managers, we look forward that the trainees can stand the training plat of BESTWAY Management and Leadership Center to open the door to the treasure house of leadership, continued to experience and enhance the charm of leadership in the practice and application.

    Management & Leadership System Model
Specific to the ability of managers which enterprise and employees expected, in BESTWAY management leadership system model, managers have four management dimensions: Role responsibility, Self-management, Work management and Personnel management,
Refer the model diagram on the left, following in each dimension, we define the management capacity requirements. For example, the work management is including three competency requirements such as object performance, organizational operations and problem solving. That means, that managers only master these segments capacity, then he has enough work management capabilities. Accordingly, the role responsibilities, self-management, personnel management also have their own capacity requirements.
Role responsibility Self-management Work management Personnel management

To be a good manager, he must first understand the role responsibility, which is the basis of management and leadership. To balance the responsibility, authority and benefit, adjust attitude, to understand the essence of management and role conversion.

The managers need to learn to lead by example, play the exemplary role for corporate culture and values. To effectively manage time to improve management efficiency, To learn to manage their emotions and improve interpersonal skills.

It¡¯s the most important in work management is objective. To achieve the target, you need to use the method of performance management and organizational operation. To use of problem analysis tools and solutions to address the obstacles in the process.

To do personnel management, the communication is fundamental; to build an excellent team, need to cultivate and improve the subordinate capacity, and integrate of all team members.

On this basis, managers need to further enhance their personal leadership, including these three development directions of influence others, change management, cultural construction, these directions can be more effectively reflect the excellent leadership of the managers. Have a highly influential and effective to guide and shape the team and corporate culture, to promote the transformation and implementation of enterprise management, his general evaluation from enterprise and employees is excellent, which is a prerequisite of excellent senior managers, It is also the direction of upgrading our management and leadership.
    Training process
1. An in-depth research and diagnostics
Concluded an initial agreement, BESTWAY will organize a research team began to system research, in accordance with SEGA model (Status Quo Expectation Gaps, Action), enter the relevant discovery and locating procedure. Through interviews, research tables, on-site and other ways to tease out a basic training needs map.

2. Pertinence training design
The trainer diagnosed by research results, analyze the reasons, to find a solution, design content, case studies, training methods and tools to ensure that the programs pertinently.

3. Interactive participatory training
Based the workshop, trainer and trainees discuss together to focus on the key "output" from each activity, in the corresponding points provide the action conversion tool to strengthen practice and to support dairy work fast and effective.

4. Diversification follow-up
•  The action conversion tool help trainees master course content to use in daily work.
•  After the end of the course, we will issue the evaluation summary report, the relevant characteristics analysis and recommendations.
•  Follow up the training homework to review and communicate the promotion methods and skills.
•  Communication in accordance with the dynamic of trainees and returning, if necessary, we can provide individual counseling for     specific problems that they meet in their work.

    Course Characteristic
The training class is an important part of the training process to help trainees from understands to use, exactly master tool and improve skills. Therefore, we designed training of six steps during the class:
    Course outline
Role responsibilities

1.Attitude establishment

•  The balance of responsibility, authority and benefit requires the ability to enhance
•  Six basic attitudes that managers should have

2.Role Orientation

•  To learn coaching
•  The role of the manager to be changed

3.The essence of management

•  The generation of manage and manager¡¯s responsibility
•  The essence and practice of management
•  From management to leadership


1.Leading by example

•  Set an example by words and deeds
•  How to set a good example£¿

2.Interpersonal skills

•  The correct understanding of the emotional
•  Emotional management
•  The basic principles of interpersonal relationships
•  How to establish good relationships?
•  Conflict Management

3.Efficiency system

•  What is efficient?
•  Time management basic knowledge
•  4-quadrant of task classification
•  Task management strategy - do the right thing
•  Task elements management strategy ¨C do the thing right
•  Time management application steps

Work Management

1.Objective performance

•  The meaning and content of objective management
•  The generation and development of objective
•  PDCA Work plan and PDCA
•  Performance tracking meeting
•  Performance interviews and counseling to help individuals grow

2.Organization operation

•  The organization's purpose and function
•  Three principles of the organization's operations
•  Universalization of command system
•  The steps in terms of cognitive consistency
•  Suitable control
•  Independent innovation

3.Problem solving

•  Problem solving basic
•  Tool and method
•  Problem three elements
•  Problem solving "4" measures
•  Source of the defect
•  Accurately problem description is equal to half of the issue solvation
•  several common methods to find the reason
•  Develop, implement, and verify measures
•  The integrated use of operations conversion tools:

Personnel management

1.Efficient communication

•  communicate purpose and function
•  Three basic principles of communication
•  Communication preferences and style
•  Establish good communication mentality
•  Four communication skills
•  Communication skills using examples and exercises

2.Cultivation subordinate

•  The purpose and significance of cultivation subordinate
•  Situational Leadership basic knowledge
•  Diagnostics
•  Learn the four development stages of subordinate
•  Flexibility
•  The characteristics and purpose of leadership styles
•  Leadership style implementation steps
•  Work together
•  Establish relationship
•  The basic principles of the behavior
•  Motivation to change the attitude of staff
•  The actual use of other motivation theory

3.Excellent team

•  Excellent team image
•  Team maturity
•  Excellent team 4 standards
•  Assemble a team 4 steps (Case study)
•  Four phases of the development of team
•  Team leader behavior

    Successful Case
A large group will expand pertinent training to train new managers, to undertake the strategic of the Group transformation, to change the managers from the commander to resource providers and service providers,. Meanwhile the customer requires in accordance with their own characteristics and the trainee needs to arrange the training courses, the customized difficulty is non-general course comparable. Though the pre-screening and communication, BESTWAY gain the cooperation chance with this large corporation, the project process is as follows:
This corporation attaches great importance to the process of training in management, how to understand and implantation of the corporate culture, at the same time to make proper understanding and preparation for the management system, therefore, the project's course development and popularization training¡¯s key elements:
During the project preparatory process, the consultant carried out in-depth and substantive contact with the enterprise, in which the questionnaire survey of 200 people, face to face interviews with 58 people, collected more than 30 cases, 10 customized case, through 87 modifies to the final version. The project preparatory work crossed seven months, we deeply understand the corporate culture, trainees¡¯ status and needs of the project. This project achieved a true sense of the deep-rooted customize, has been the unanimous approval of the HR and senior leadership. Till February 2012, there are more than 200 project manager has a rotational training, it is expected to cover more than 1,000 managers, and it is still continuing in rotation now.
Stronger pertinence, the most part explained associated with the status of the company, through the course I master a number of management tools and methods. Know the steps and methods of implementation of performance management, know how to make rational use of management tools and share the wonderful management experience.


The overall training program is organized very well, the logic is very strong; video playing in the course very relevant to the course content; highly interactive of participants, very good atmosphere in the training.

--Jinko Solar

The trainer is good at mobilization of participants, enthusiasm and active training atmosphere , the content is combine with life and work.


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