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  Consulting Process Home > Consultation > Consulting Process  
1、Corporate Survey
•  Formulate the Plan
•  Comprehensive
•  Survey
•  Special Survey
Survey Form
2、Corporate Survey
•  Status Analysis
•  Variance or Gap Analysis
•  Diagnosis Report
Diagnosis Report
•  Preliminary proposal
•  Discuss the plan
•  Select the final plan
Preliminary Plan
4、Confirm the plan
•  Modify and Improve the plan
•  Review the plan
• Confirm the plan
Final Plan
5、Implement the plan
•  Formulate and implement the plan
•  Training and coaching
•  Quality control
Project Schedule
6、Project evaluation
•  Project management control systems
•  Periodic review of the project
•  Milestones audit
•  Improve the results published
Closing Report
7、Project Closed
• Project Summary
Closing Report
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